
Apps & Code

I used to code for a living but these days I am mostly doing it for fun when I find a problem that wants to be solved or simply to fool around. Lately I am especially interested in JavaScript and node.js but do know my way around a couple of languages, from LOLCODE to Objective-C.

Below please find a very tiny selection of what I did for your using pleasure.

DipInit (Diplomacy Country Allocator)

DipInit lets you easily allocate the countries for a game of Diplomacy based on the preferences of the seven players.

You simply enter the players' names in the designated boxes and add their priorities for each country. After hitting the "Allocate Countries" button DipInit will do its magic, calculate the best distribution of countries for the given priorities and display the result.

As there may not be a single best solution you can click "Allocate Countries" more often to get further possible solutions.

DipInit comes in English and German and can even read the results to you if you are to lazy to do so yourself.

Click here to download the latest version of DipInit!

DipInit Mobile (Diplomacy Country Allocator)

DipInit Mobile is the solution for the rare occasions where you don't have your Mac with you but still need to allocate powers for a game of Diplomacy. It is a web application running in a browser, allowing you to do exactly what you already know from the desktop version of DipInit: Allocating countries for a game of Diplomacy based on the players' priorities.

To use DipInit Mobile, open it in your favorite browser and prioritize away. The web app was designed to work on mobile phones and was successfully tested on iPhone 5+ and large screen Android devices. For even quicker access, add DipInit to your smartphone's home screen.

Click here to open DipInit Mobile and get your game on!


node-mailchimp is a node.js wrapper for the MailChimp API. It exposes the following features of the MailChimp API to your node.js application:

  • MailChimp API (Versions 2.0, 1.3, 1.2 and 1.1)
  • MailChimp Export API (Version 1.0)
  • MailChimp Webhooks
  • MailChimp OAuth2 authorization
  • MailChimp Partner API (Version 1.3)
  • Mandrill API (Version 1.0)

A lot more detail and information on how to use the wrapper is available in the node-mailchimp GitHub repository.


With node-exif you can extract Exif metadata from images (JPEG). Exif is a format used, for example, by digital cameras and scanners to save additional information about an image in the image file. This information can be the camera model, resolution, where the image was taken (GPS) or when it was taken.

Further information can be found in the node-exif GitHub repository.